Who We Are Ambiente Tequilero in Tlaquepaque Tequila Jalisco Mexico

Who We Are? Ambiente Tequilero


Ambiente Tequilero dot com is a website that promotes tour services on line for the US, Canada and European Tourist interested in English services. Things to do in Guadalajara Tlaquepaque Tequila Jalisco Mexico.

The company operating this service is Panoramex® Tours & Travel.

Panoramex® is the tourist brand of the city of Guadalajara that offers excellent travel experiences in Mexico. Our well-trained management team acquired and modernized Panoramex® to expand tourist horizons and maintain our commitment to excellence in the travel business.

The founders established in the spring of 1967 by the Gómez Flores family.
At that time already a well-known figure in the tourist scene of our country, Panoramex, with registered office in Guadalajara, bring together two of the most important players in tourism in Guadalajara.

Lic. Juan Bernardo Torres Mora

B.A. in Accounting
Estudied at Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO).
Certified Guide by National Tourist Bureau in México Certified Taster by the National Tequila Academy.

Berna´s experience in the professional field, prior to becoming a guide, is shown when he leads the tours. He worked in several industries in the private sector. His experience as University teacher comes in handy when explaining the different aspects of Tequila.

Bernardo tells us the following:¨Visiting here gives us a professional panoramic view of all about the tequila industry, atractions, history and the process of tequila production. In adition visitors will know the mithology of the aztecas, their cosmovision for the use of ´the food of the Gods´ and other elements that will give the visitor an experience that will change your life¨.

Bernardo is now writing the second edition of his book ¨El Arte de conocer, saborear y admirar tequila¨. As a tequila ¨Catador¨ Bernardo participates in professional tastings at the Academia Mexicana del Tequila Western Mexico Chapter

Nora L. Andrade

Born and raised in the Guadalajara area. Graduated from University of Guadalajara mayor in tourism, has worked in the hotel and Airlines industry over 15 years, Nora has become the female touch for Ambiente Tequilero.

When Nora is not taking a course at the Autonoma University of Guadalajara, she is leading tours arround the Guadalajara, Tonala, Chapala and Tequila.

She has traveled to most countries in Europe, the USA, and many tourists destinations in Mexico.

PANORAMEX Schedule Place
Monday to Sunday 8:00 hrs. - 20:00 hrs. Plaza Punto Sao Paulo

Gus Melor

Born in the tequila region Degollado Jalisco.
Living in Tlaquepaque since 1995.
His Grand Father pass on to him the tequila skills that come in handy during the tours.

Studied in Lakeview Highschool, Chicago IL University of Illinois in Chicago (Circle campus) B.A. Minor in Latin America Studies (History). Complemented his estudies during 3 years in Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Guadalajara.
Worked 7 years for Grand Circle Travel as Program Director of groups of up to 40 tourists visiting Teotihuacan, Templo Mayor in Cd de México, Veracruz, Guerrero, Michoacán, Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta.

His favorite town is Tlaquepaque because it offers so much about who we are in México, a place full of history, culture, art; all of it enclosed in a relaxing atmosphere with the best weather all year round. This is the reazon why his intention is to bring as many visitors as possible to this beautiful area of México.

Among the countries he has traveled are Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, U.S.A., and France where he studied the language for some time.

Mario Aguayo

Raised in Boston MA (USA)
Graduated from High School and worked in the transport and tourism business while in Massachusetts.

Perfectly bilingual Mario will bring in the fun perspective of tequila, he knows the Tequila Prayer that will share with you during your visit to the tequila region. Mario has been guiding tequila tours for over a year.